guestXM – by Black Box Intelligence

Connecting Social Media Mentions to Business Results

Net Sentiment Score analyzes guest satisfaction by capturing direct and indirect feedback through both social and survey data.

Measuring Public Sentiment

The Power of Net Sentiment Score (NSS)

A net sentiment score (NSS) combines both qualitative and quantitative information by analyzing the emotional tone (qualitative) of textual data from sources like social media and customer surveys and converting it into a numerical metric (quantitative) to assess the overall sentiment.

An NSS is important because it quantifies overall public sentiment towards a topic, product, or brand, helping businesses gauge public perception and make informed decisions.

Social listening tools are designed to help brands understand what their customers are saying about them online. In today’s digital era, many consumers turn to social media and review sites to comment on their experiences with brands, especially restaurants. GuestXM’s listening engine is designed specifically for restaurant companies to help them understand their guest satisfaction across food, service, ambiance, value, and more as well as how it impacts their operational performance.

Many brands currently use Net Promoter Scores (NPSs) to measure guest satisfaction and online feedback. NSS is a comprehensive metric that analyzes guest satisfaction through both social and survey data.

NSS and Omnichannel Feedback: A Recipe for Restaurant Improvement

Enhancing Customer Feedback for Restaurant Success

NSS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of negative online mentions from the percentage of positive online mentions for a brand. These mentions are pulled from major social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and also include feedback gathered from online surveys.

It is then combined with the traditional NPS to provide a more comprehensive view of customer satisfaction. NSS gives restaurant brands insights into how customers perceive the quality of food, service, ambiance, etc., giving them more actionable data they can use to improve operations and increase customer satisfaction.

The customer feedback loop requires a true balancing act of knowing what to capture, where to capture it, and most importantly what to do about it.

Most restaurant brands are just starting to assess their customer feedback. Not that it’s been an afterthought until this time, but customers are given more channels than ever to provide insight into their experiences. Some of this feedback can be directly solicited from a business in the form of surveys or post-dining emails. However, not all of these feedback loops are created equal.

While this information is useful by itself, GuestXM research has also shown that when brands structure indirect and direct feedback in a succinct way, the sentiment data correlates to comp sales growth and turnover rates for restaurant brands.

That’s why an omnichannel feedback strategy delivers the insights restaurants need to operationalize their feedback data and take action fast.

Get the Ultimate Guide to Direct and Indirect Feedback to learn how to take advantage of every feedback channel.

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