guestXM – by Black Box Intelligence

Restaurant social listening

Elevate the Customer Experience with Omnichannel Feedback

GuestXM’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) eliminates the need to rely on antiquated administrative ways of managing restaurant feedback so you can instantly spot areas of improvement and exceed guests’ expectations.

Gain Understanding with Text Analytics for Restaurants

The only Natural Language Processing purpose-built for restaurants.

Feedback Aggregation & Analysis

Break down sentiment factors into actionable drivers that can be deployed, tested, and measured across a market’s social media and review channels.

The Only Natural Language Processing Purpose-Built for Restaurants

Leverage the power of text analytics to understand guest sentiment around food, beverage, service, hospitality, ambiance, value, and intent to return, and unlock actionable insights for your front-line teams.

Sentiment Analysis of Trends & Patterns

Track 60,000 keywords, phrases, and modifiers to gain insights into areas where guests are satisfied or dissatisfied and make targeted improvements.

Big River Restaurant Group
"From a marketing and HR perspective, BBGI really helps with talking to operations. GI data shows them our guest’s real time feedback and where the issues are."

Donlyn Kwedar

HR/Marketing Director, Big River Restaurant Group

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Spot Trends with Comprehensive Social Listening

Track word of mouth to maintain and grow engaged, loyal customers.

Develop a Competitive Strategy

Understand your competitors' strengths and weaknesses and set yourself apart by offering a unique guest experience. 

Tailor Menu & Experience

Meet the preferences and needs of your guests to create a more enjoyable dining experience. 

Measure Performance

Track sentiment on a regular basis to enable data-driven decisions on where to focus future efforts.

Benchmark Performance

Gain context for financial performance and set realistic goals by comparing guest sentiment data to competitors/segment benchmark performance.

Wildflower Bread Company
"We love Black Box Financial and Workforce Intelligence! The data allows us to stay ahead of the competition as well as offer competitive compensation packages to retain the best talent!"

Sundaye Taylor

HR Manager, Wildflower Bread Company

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Key Platforms

Workforce Intelligence

Build teams that guests love by better understanding your local workforce. Hire, motivate, compensate and retain top talent to deliver better customer experiences.

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Financial Intelligence

Compare your performance by location to your competitors and get insights that will help you bring more customers to the table.

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Review Management

Engage with your customers in real time. Never miss a (negative) review again! Keep an eye on the latest social conversations, trends, and brand mentions.

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Collect, analyze, and transform direct feedback data into insights helps multi-unit restaurant brands uncover blind spots across customer interactions.

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Restaurant Guest Experience Platform

Create Better Guest Experiences to Grow Your Sales

GuestXM Blog

Overall Traffic Declining, Sales Propped Up by Average Check Value but Unit Ratings and Reviews Critical to Success

Restaurant performance based on same-store sales and traffic growth softened during May compared to the previous month. But of the two, it was traffic growth that experienced the biggest deceleration in its year-over-year performance.

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What CFOs Need to Know About CX’s Impact on Revenue, According to Actual Sales & Traffic Data

Restaurant executives tend to know customer experience is important, but quantifying its impact remains a daunting challenge for most. Fortunately, our data brings clarity to this complex issue.

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April’s Sales Gains Driven by Check Growth, but Value-Centric Restaurants Lead in Traffic Growth

Although the US has managed to avoid a recession so far, and employment numbers remain robust, consumers are still insecure about the economy. If brands have no choice but to raise prices, their focus should shift to delivering other parts of the value equation.

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