guestXM – by Black Box Intelligence

Overall Traffic Declining, Sales Propped Up by Average Check Value but Unit Ratings and Reviews Critical to Success

Restaurant performance based on same-store sales and traffic growth softened during May compared to the previous month. But of the two, it was traffic growth that experienced the biggest deceleration in its year-over-year performance.

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The State of the Restaurant Employee [Infographic]

How well you do know the modern day restaurant employee? Here’s a quick peek at what’s happening in the workforce right now.

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Sustainability in the Restaurant Industry: Time to Fire It Up

Sustainability is a buzz word that continues to be thrown around in businesses, but what exactly does it mean for the restaurant industry?

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November Employment Report

Despite talk of labor shortages, the November employment report showed strong increases in payroll, particularly in manufacturing jobs.

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Q&A: Coca-Cola’s Roy Jackson and Robert Jeffries on the Future of Foodservice

Roy Jackson and Robert Jeffries from Coca-Cola share their outlook on the future of the foodservice industry in 2018 and beyond.

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Despite Hurricanes, Economic Growth Remains Strong

The devastating hurricanes last quarter slowed some parts of the economy but boosted others, and overall growth remained strong.

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What Restaurant Executives are Saying about #GlobalBPC

The 2018 Global Best Practices Conference is in the works. See why some of the top restaurant industry executives love #GlobalBPC.

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4 Tips for Improving Customer Satisfaction in Your Restaurant

Customer satisfaction in restaurants can be quite fickle - here are four simple tips to keep your guests coming back again and again.

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Restaurant Industry’s Strengths, Weaknesses & More [Infographic]

Check out this SWOT analysis of the restaurant industry to learn more about the key strengths and weaknesses paving the future for brands.

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State of the Industry: A Mixed Bag of News for Restaurants

From a difficult recruiting environment to a possible traffic rebound, here’s the latest take on what’s happening in the restaurant industry.

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Retail Sales Back on the Rise in July

Economic growth may be improving - retail sales rose solidly in July after months of decline and continued talk of collapse.

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The Retail Sector Is Not Collapsing, It’s Changing

Most people think the retail sector is collapsing, but that is wrong. What is occurring is the markets of retailers are changing dramatically.

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May Employment Report Points to Solid Labor Market

The May employment report revealed that while job growth was less than expected, the numbers point to an overall steady labor market.

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