guestXM – by Black Box Intelligence

Overall Traffic Declining, Sales Propped Up by Average Check Value but Unit Ratings and Reviews Critical to Success

Restaurant performance based on same-store sales and traffic growth softened during May compared to the previous month. But of the two, it was traffic growth that experienced the biggest deceleration in its year-over-year performance.

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Denny’s Success Equation: Where Value Brings Momentum

Fasika Melaku, VP and Chief Learning & Development Officer at Denny’s, a beloved American family-friendly diner-style restaurant chain, shares her insights on the power of a customer-centric mindset.

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Connecting Social Media Mentions to Business Results

Net Sentiment Score analyzes guest satisfaction by capturing direct and indirect feedback through both social and survey data.

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July’s Mixed Outlook: Optimism and Caution for the Year Ahead

Restaurant sales and traffic growth slowed down during July but remained stronger than the growth rates posted by the industry back in April and May.

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Rising Drive-Through Demands: Quick-Service Brands Adapt to Trends

In today's highly competitive market, meeting drive-through expectations have become a formidable challenge for most quick-service brands.

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Top 3 Takeaways from GuestXM’s Q3 State of the Industry Webinar

Having access to the latest, accurate industry data is invaluable in today's highly competitive restaurant environment. Every quarter, we host executives from the top restaurant chains for our State of the Industry (SOTI) webinar where we provide an exclusive look at the most up-to-date insights.

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Restaurant Benchmarking Q&A with Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks consistently reports sales and traffic increases, and benchmarking is an integral part of their strategy, as learned from this Q&A.

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7 Proven Tips to Get More (and Better) Restaurant Reviews

Uncover what social engagement tactics make sense for your brand in order to improve online restaurant reviews. 

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Using Restaurant Data to Drive Guest Traffic

Data technology is growing exponentially, resulting in some restaurant brands innovating faster than ever before. For others, this rapid evolution comes with major challenges: choice overload and cost fears.

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June Saw Upswing in Restaurant Sales and Traffic

June was a relatively good month for restaurants. Same-store sales and traffic growth reached their highest levels since March, with each of the last two months posting stronger year-over-year (YoY) results than the previous month.

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Sourcing Valuable Customer Feedback for Restaurants

Collecting direct and indirect customer feedback, inferring insights, and operationalizing them will create the best restaurant experiences.

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Key Insights from Black Box Intelligence’s Industry Webinar

Every quarter, Black Box Intelligence has the privilege of hosting executives from the top restaurant chains in the country for our State of the Industry (SOTI) webinar where we reveal the latest trends and insights driving today’s restaurant experience.

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Slight Improvement in Restaurant Sales Due to Check Growth

After experiencing a softening in year-over-year (YoY) growth during every month since January, restaurant sales growth improved during May.

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